Client & Collaborators
City of Minneapolis
Peavey Plaza Historic Structures Report
Minneapolis, MN
Since its construction in 1975, Peavey Plaza has been an iconic modern landscape in the heart of Downtown Minneapolis. Time, deferred maintenance, and the expansion of adjacent Orchestra Hall have all had an impact on the condition of the space. Further, the plaza does not meet current accessibility codes. The City of Minneapolis engaged a consultant team to evaluate the condition of the space and provide recommendations for its future through the lens of historic preservation. Damon Farber Landscape Architects contributed historic landscape architectural services to this study; a working tool for moving forward with a rejuvenated Peavey Plaza that respects the importance of this National Register listed landscape.
Our work focused on evaluating the historic landscape’s change over time, identifing and documenting the character defining features of the site, analysing existing conditions of the surfaces, site furnishings and plantings, developing recommendations for rehabilitation following the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and studying the feasibility of ADA access into the space.
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